
Truck Driving needs to become the NEW 21st Century Career Stepping Stone for those seeking a Free college education, or innovative way to pay off incurred student loan debt, while earning a substantial salary. Truck Driving will provide an opportunity for Intergenerational, and Intragenerational  Mobility for those seeking same.

The U.S. faces a significant challenge being the continually growing “Skills Gap”. Technology is changing rapidly and our country is not producing the tech savvy 21st Century workforce needed to meet evolving industry needs. Use of 3rd party outsourcing providers are continuously leveraged by individual companies wishing to prop up their bottom line while shortening the cycle time on technology introduction. This same technology requires levels of expertise that, in many instances, is argued as being in short supply due to a disconnect between business requirements and existing education processes.  This disconnect continues to grow as the leapfrog of technology innovation continues to accelerate, requiring jobs with levels of proficiency that the existing education process is not fulfilling.

Over the last several years we have spent considerable time looking into the hiring requirements of many of the top Fortune 500 firms. We have identified a partnership opportunity that couples private corporations, public government, and academia (P3). This partnership would work together bringing a closer alignment of business requirements, and the education required to provide hiring candidates the skills required to address these specific needs.

The direct benefit of this approach is tied to a process that better aligns education and business through a better understanding of their direct interdependency including:

  • Adoption Lifecycle of technology introduction within the market,

  • Accelerating Pace of technology innovation, and corresponding impact to business bottom line,

    • Time to Market requirements of business, and total supply chain,

    • Cycle Time required to  train/educate a resource (e.g. worker) to service the need of technology users and manufacturers,

  • Metrics to be used for enhanced recalibration/alignment due to continual change in the market,

    • Update on technology evolution, and usage patterns in the market,

    • Latest marketing/sales challenges overcome by the most recent technology innovations.

As the benefits become better understood, the partners need to look at uniform approaches to provide “On Demand/Just In Time” education offerings pertaining to aggregated, global needs of participating firms and tied to job creation nationally. This would include developing:

  • Process for On Demand/Just in Time Education provided through university, community college etc..,

    • Be more responsive to the requirement of the user,

    • As necessary invoke levels of customization including shortening duration of offering,

    • Be as innovative as those firms being serviced,

  • Tailor education/training to best leverage educational skills of existing (underemployed/unemployed) pockets within the workforce,

    • Dislocated Veterans,

    • Native Americans,

    • Post-Doctoral workforce (estimated at 100,000),

  • Provide customized education/training offerings through interconnected Centers For Professional Development (CPD),

    • Provided through university, community college etc…,

    • Customized course/curriculum offerings that can be adjusted in duration, and scope,

  • Process to better leverage/integrate schools within the corporate hiring process,

    • Approach to more closely integrate schools into the servicing of corporate hiring requirements versus 3rd party vendors,

    • School involvement in uniform screening process corporations would use for candidates (globally),

    • P3 portal aligned with corporate HR offices,

  • Utilization of Service Level Agreements (SLA) tied to education commitments (e.g. Key Performance Indicators etc…),

  • Metrics tied to all the above to insure consistency in performance,

    • A sample of metrics tied to business performance dependent on skilled workforce include:

      1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

      2.  Marketing % of Customer Acquisition Cost (M%-CAC)

      3.  Ratio of Customer Lifetime Value to CAC (LTV:CAC)

      4.  Time to Payback CAC

      5.  Marketing Originated Customer %

      6.  Marketing Influenced Customer %